Scientific Articles
November 27, 2008

A proof-of-concept exoskeleton for robot-assisted rehabilitation of gait

Pieter Beyl, Pierre Cherelle, Kristel Knaepen, Dirk Lefeber
4th European Conference of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering 23 - Antwerp, Belgium

Robotic gait rehabilitation faces manychallenges regarding ankle assistance, body weight supportand physical human-robot interaction.

This paper reports onthe development of a gait rehabilitation exoskeleton prototypeintended as a platform for the evaluation of design and controlconcepts in view of improved physical human-robotinteraction.

The performance of proxy-based sliding modecontrol as a "robot-in-charge" control strategy is evaluatedboth in simulation and in experiments on a test setup.

Compared to PID control, test results indicate good trackingperformance and in particular safe system behavior.

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rehabilitation robotics
powered exoskeleton
robot-assisted gait training