Scientific Articles
February 20, 2009

Sliding mode control of a “Soft” 2-DOF Planar Pneumatic Manipulator

Michael Van Damme, Bram Vanderborght, Pieter Beyl, Rino Versluys, Innes Vanderniepen, Ronald Van Ham, Pierre Cherelle, Frank Daerden, Dirk Lefeber
International Applied Mechanics

This paper presents a sliding mode controller for a "Soft" 2-DOF Planar Pneumatic Manipulator actuated by pleated pneumatic artificial muscle actuators. Since actuator dynamics is not negligible, an approximate model for pressure dynamics was taken into account, which made it necessary to perform full input-output feedback linearization in order to design a sliding mode controller. The design of the controller is presented in detail, and experimental results obtained by implementing the controller are discussed

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Soft 2-DOF
planar pneumatic manipulator
artificial muscle actuator