Scientific Articles
November 11, 2010

The MACCEPA Actuation System as Torque Actuator in the Gait Rehabilitation Robot ALTACRO

Cherelle, Pierre ; Grosu, Victor ; Beyl, Pieter ; Matthys, Arnout ; Van Ham, Ronald ; Van Damme, Michael ; Vanderborght, Bram ; Lefeber, Dirk
3rd IEEE RAS & EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics

In the growing field of rehabilitation robotics, adjustable compliant actuators are gaining engineers' interest because of their ability to minimize large forces due to shocks and to safely interact with the user. This type of actuator is preferred in novel rehabilitation robots where safe human-robot interaction is required.

The Mechanically Adjustable Compliance and Controllable Equilibrium Position Actuator or MACCEPA, designed at Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, has been chosen to actuate the step rehabilitation robot ALTACRO.

Preliminary tests with the MACCEPA indicates that its performance suits the high torque demands necessary for a "robot in charge" mode gait rehabilitation system. In the context of a "patient in charge" mode training, experiments have shown that the mechanical impedance of the system can be kept low enough to ensure unhindered walking.

All the experiments indicates that the MACCEPA actuation system is a suitable choice for the purpose of gait rehabilitation.

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Rehabilitiation and assistive robotics