Axiles Bionics
Explore innovative semi-active ankle prosthesis design integrating a clutch with series elastic actuator for energy-efficient gait dynamics. Read our validation
Explore neural dynamics during walking with a bionic foot. Investigate attentional demand in able-bodied & amputee individuals. Results reveal insights.
Evaluate the AMPfoot 4.0 for unilateral transtibial amputees' gait. Discover its impact on kinetics & kinematics compared to conventional prostheses.
Discover how varying mechanical parameters impact peak power and energy use in ankle-foot prostheses at different speeds. Optimize your prosthetic design.
Evaluate the effectiveness of the Ankle Mimicking Prosthetic Foot 4.0 during walking. Study on transtibial and transfemoral amputees. Clinical relevance
Introducing ED-FNN, a novel deep learning algorithm for precise gait cycle detection in powered prostheses. Achieve accuracy and safety in rehabilitation
Transforming dreams into reality starts with a simple step.