Scientific Articles
January 9, 2014

Case Study on Human Walking during Wearing a Powered Prosthetic Device ...

Grosu, Svetlana ; Cherelle, Pierre ; Verheul, Chris ; Vanderborght, Bram ; Lefeber, Dirk
Advances in Mechanical Engineering

It is known that force exchanges between a robotic assistive device and the end-user have a direct impact on the quality and performance of a particular movement task. This knowledge finds a special reflective importance in prosthetic industry due to the close human-robot collaboration.

Although lower-extremity prostheses are currently better able to provide assistance as their upper-extremity counterparts, specific locomotion problems still remain.

In a framework of this contribution the authors introduce the multibody dynamic modelling approach of the trans-tibial prosthesis wearing on a human body model.

The obtained results are based on multibody dynamic simulations against the real experimental data using AMP-Foot 2.0, an energy efficient powered trans-tibial prosthesis for actively assisted walking of amputees.

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Prostheses and Implants